Saturday, July 5, 2014

DIY #4 - Spiderman Converse

I've been waiting to do this tutorial for quite a while now! I've revamped some old converse of mine into these cute Spiderman sneakers. Here's how:
-A pair of converse (I used white but you can use whatever color you want)
-Fabric paint in the colors red, blue, and black
-Paint brushes
-Painter's tape
-A sharpened pencil
-A paper plate or something to put your paint on
-Clorox wipes
-Optional; black laces

First, lay out your newspaper over your surface to protect it. Once that is ready, start unlacing your shoes. 
With the laces removed, you then need to clean the rubber part of your shoes, including the toe, front, sides and back of the bottom of your shoe. Do this with a Clorox wipe.
*If you want you shoes to look brand spanking new, you could even take an old tooth brush or get one from the dollar store and deep clean the rubber on your sneakers.  
All clean! 
Take some of your painter's tape and start to tape off the rubber of your shoes. You only want to paint the canvas of the shoe. (Don't worry about the metal eyelets so much, the fabric paint can be scraped/cleaned off later.) 
Roughly cover the Converse emblem also. It'll be difficult to cover it perfectly, but you are welcome to try. 
With a little more tape, tape of the rectangular section perpendicular to the heel of the shoe like this: 
With both shoes taped off the same way, its time to prepare our paint. 
Taking the blue paint first, paint the rectangular section we just taped off. 

Then turn the shoe around and paint the tongue blue as well. (I put tape across the inside of the shoe so that it would have something to lean on while it dried.)

By this time, the blue paint on the back of the shoe should be dry. Remove the tape from the sides of the rectangle and place one of them over it. It's time for the red paint.

Paint both sides of each shoe with your red paint like this:

Once that paint dries, you can then start making these shoes a little more Spiderman - esque.

On the outside panel of one shoe ( I chose the left one) lightly trace the outline of Spiderman's spider logo with your pencil. When you're happy with your stencil, dip that same pencil lead in the black fabric paint and use it to paint over your drawing.

You should end up with something like this:

You could also use a paintbrush to paint on the spider as well, but I find the pencil lines to be a lot more precise and clean. 
On the right shoe, I decided to do a smaller version of the same spider logo and I put Spiderman's highly known nickname, 'Spidey' underneath it. This was just my personal touch, but as another idea, you could always write 'Web Head' or 'Web Slinger' on the shoe. Or you could even write something like 'I Heart M. J.' or 'I Heart Gwen' if you wanted to choose sides.

 On the inside of both shoes, meaning the side with the Converse star logo, I chose to draw on some webbing using the same pencil painting method from earlier.

 When all your designs are placed and the paint has dried, begin to remove the painter's tape. You might find a few gaps where the paint missed but that's okay....

....because with a small brush you can just touch everything up! 

After you've fixed any errors and the paint has fully dried again (at least four hours), you can lace your shoes again. I used my old laces but I'll probably eventually change to black laces....we'll see. 

And bam!
You now have a pair of shoes based on your friendly neighborhood Spiderman! 

I think if he was real, Peter Parker would totally own these.
If you make some, post a pic on Instagram and tag @danithedancer so I can admire them!

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