Tuesday, July 1, 2014

DIY #3 - Galaxy Seashell Pin

Since it's summer time and Beach Season, I figured a beach themed tutorial was in order.
Well...beach and space themed...but you get what I'm saying.
This project calls for a seashell so it'll give you an excuse to hit the beach! (Like you really need one.)
-A seashell (from the beach or a craft store)
-Acrylic paint in the colors black, purple, pink, blue, and white
-A few small paint brushes
-A sharpened pencil
-A plate or something to put your paint on
-Bar pins (found at craft stores; pin backings)
-Hot glue gun & glue
-Mod Podge



First, paint the entire outside of your shell black.
Then, add a few purple splotches over the shell. I used a dry brush affect so the purple paint would have softer lines and blend better.

After that dries, add small amounts of the pink and blue paints. These two colors are just accents colors, and shouldn't be over used. For a nice galaxy effect, put a little of the pink and blue paint on the edges of the purple paint. 

Take your sharpened pencil and dip it into the white paint. We are using this method to add on the stars. Make small but various sized white dots all over the shell. Even add in some star clusters or shining stars (make a + sign to create shining stars) or make your own constellations.
Don't try to concentrate on one spot too much though. Your shell should end up looking like this:

Once the painting process is over and the paint is dry, seal in your colors with a layer of mod podge. I used gloss because I had it laying around but you can use whatever finish you prefer. While you are waiting for the Mod Podge to dry, plug in your glue gun.
When the sealant is dry, flip your shell over to the back. My shell had a pretty deep recess, so I used some hot glue to fill it partially so that my bar pin would be flat and level.
Glue in your bar pin so it opens to the direction that is most comfortable to you. Mine opens on the left side. 

And you are done! Gives a whole new meaning to Sea Stars, huh?

 In this picture, I put my new pin on my lapel, but you can put it anywhere you like.
For ideas of how to wear your pin, check out my Instagram @danithedancer.


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