Friday, June 27, 2014

Book Review: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Recently, I finished reading The Fault in Our Stars by author John Green. I had been borrowing the book from one of my girlfriends.

I'll admit, this was one of those times that I saw a trailer for an interesting looking movie, found out it was based on a book, and then decided to rush to read the book before I saw the film. Needless to say, if it hadn't been for the movie remake, I would have never known a thing about this book.

But luckily, I was able to find it and read it within a few days. I have to say, from page 1, John Green captivated me with his prototypal writing style. He incorporated a plethora of SAT words and metaphors into his work, and really helped his readers understand a whole different side to life. I especially loved Augustus Waters (didn't we all?) and his metaphoric use of cigarettes.

A lot of the time now a days, I find myself using quotes from this amazing book. "My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations" has to be my favorite quote from any piece of literature I have read thus far. The Fault in Our Stars is happy, sad, romantic, disconcerting and lovable all at the same time. It's easily made it's way into my top ten favorite books list (more like the top five!).

My friends and I talked to the principal and English teacher at my school and managed to get TFIOS drafted into the three books that we have to read and report about during the summer. That's a pretty big deal, considering the list is usually for largely famous and important stories, such as The Scarlet Letter or The Help.

As we speak, I am currently looking into purchasing and reading some of John Green's other works, such as Will Grayson, Will Grayson and Looking For Alaska.

Overall, I'd have to give this book a 9 / 10. (Would've been a perfect 10, but I almost cried for Augustus Waters....)

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